Therapeutic Coaching & Transformational Bodywork
Sarah Louise's Therapeutic and Transformational sessions combine Inner Child Therapies, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Energy Work, Breath Work, Sound Healing and a hands-on modality that involves sustained bodywork to specific areas of the body that have stored emotional, physical, and energetic trauma. When any type of emotional or physical trauma is experienced, it is stored on a body level and must be released from the body, mind and spirit at the same time.
Sarah holds an incredibly powerful and safe space enabling and guiding you to release trauma and re-integrate mental, emotional, and physical bodies simultaneously. The unique combination of mental, emotional, and physical release is extremely effective at creating new patterns in your life and at an identity level.
This work is deep, embodied and transformational. If you are ready to create change, to deeply trust, commit and surrender, to come into alignment with your truth, presence and pleasure, to live congruently from your heart with joy and purpose - We have work to do together. Reach out and connect.
2-2.5hrs $350
"...Sarah creates an environment that is so held and supportive, I have never felt so much permission just to be myself, explore myself, breakdown and rebuild myself, the good, bad, ugly all came out - though they were all my own judgements. I have honestly never met anyone as open, present and real as Sarah..." Cat,28 ACT
"...Even the ‘dark’ parts that were so overwhelming and scary, now make sense in a whole new way and I see now that they too are essential parts of who I am. They may even be some of the best aspects. Here for protection rather than harm. It sounds strange but maybe you’ll understand it during our own journey." Ben,33, ACT