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Neuro-Linguistic Programming (nlp)

While most of us are aware that our thoughts, words and actions create our daily reality it can be challenging to create lasting positive change through conscious desire and effort alone while we are actually functioning from unconscious patterns, habits and programs 90-95% of the time.


Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a set of specific techniques which align the conscious and unconscious mind and body. It enables individuals to quickly and effectively re-design their physical and emotional responses to their world to produce the best possible results in all aspects of their lives.


NlP was developed in the 1970's by scientist Richard Bandler and linguist John Grinder from their studies of highly successful therapists, Virginia Satir (Family therapist), Fritz Perls (Gestalt therapist) and Milton Erikson (the Father of modern Hypnotherapy). These three therapists were transforming their clients' ways of thinking, feeling and behaving in seemingly miraculous ways.


Bandler and Grindler aimed to discover exactly what occurred in the minds and bodies of clients at the moment change occurred. The resulting techniques of NLP enable people to effectively gain control of their minds and therefore their behavioural results in a matter of hours rather than years.





  • Overcome habits

  • Integrate internal conflicts and confusion

  • Clear limiting blocks

  • Accomplish and fast track the attainment of goals

Neuro - Understanding the nervous system's 'reality' through the five senses and creating new neurological pathways to broaden the world view.


Linguistic - An awareness of communication and using language to guide the mind towards change.


Programming - Understanding the mind is like a computer with 'software' which can be programmed or updated using tools and techniques.

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